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Durrant Ultra Edge 1000 Kingsize Divan Bed


Durrant Ultra Edge 1000 Kingsize Divan Bed

Durrant Ultra Edge 1000 Kingsize Divan Bed


Durrant Ultra Edge 1000 Kingsize Divan Bed will give you a restful nights sleep every night and is designed and made by the leading bed makers Deluxe Beds.

Made in the UK the Ultra Edge range range offers a fantastic pocket spring divan with only natural fillings and natural latex that has a foam ecapsulated edge border and a soft to medium comfort firmness for a great nights sleep across the whole of the mattress surface..

The pocket springs are the leading springs in the bed and mattress industry, individually sprung to support the natural curves of your body and give you independent movement so fantastic support.

The pocket springs have a sumptuous amount of Latex mixed with wool, silk and cahmere for the perfect natural comfort and  that is designed to relieve the pressure from the back and joints and has been aiding people with a good nights sleep for 100’s of years.+ whilst you sleep every night the latex and soft natural fillings works perfect with the springs giving a great level of comfort to go with the support.

The mattress has total edge to edge support with the borders not collapsing when sat on and 2 rows of hand side stitching with handles and air vents, castors and link bars give it a elegant finish.

The cover is a soft knitted quilted cover that is designed to dispense any moisture into the air.

The base has many storage and fabric options allowing you to choose the best option for your bedroom décor.

You can choose 2 drawers or 4 drawers as well as a lift up ottoman option for a huge amount of storage.

We also off a wide range of headboards including the hugely popular floor standing designs that don’t hang on the bed but sit on the floor.

All headboards are floor standing except the 2 deluxe style designs.



1000 Individual Encapsulated Pocket Springs

Deep Layer Of Latex

Wool, Silk and Cashmere

Edge to Edge Support

Divan Base.

Fabric Options

Storage Options

Choose Matching Headboard

Link Bars and Castors

Air Vents and Handles on the Mattress

Available in all sizes including Bespoke Sizes

Soft to Medium Firmness




Deluxe Beds have grown over the years to one of the leading mattress and divan makers. Using all the latest technology and putting love and care into all there beds. You will sleep well every night all at a great price.

Dimensions 200 × 150 × 60 cm


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Durrant Ultra Edge 1000 Kingsize Divan Bed